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The Golden Path, 50x100, Acrylic on canv

The Golden Path, 50x100, Acrylic on canvas

Legendary Self, 80x100, Acrylic on Canva
Muse, 80x100, Acrylic on canvas
Thinking light, 80x100, Acrylic on canva

Legendary Self, 80x100,

Acrylic on canvas

Muse, 80x100,

Acrylic on canvas

Thinking light, 80x100,

Acrylic on canvas

The 5th element, 80x100, Acrylic on canv

The 5th element, 80x100, Acrylic on canvas

Black Madonna, 50x70, Acrylic on canvas
Bubbles, 80x100; Acrylic on canvas
The Dragon, 50x70, Acrylic on canvas

Black Madonna, 50x70,

Acrylic on canvas

Bubbles, 80x100;

Acrylic on canvas

The Dragon, 50x70,

Acrylic on canvas

FLOW, 50x70, Acrylic on canvas

FLOW, 50x70, Acrylic on canvas

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